Simply Catholic and Welcoming You

Simply Catholic

St.Brigit's Community Catholic Church is simply catholic and focused on the seven catholic sacraments as our means of growing in grace and faith in Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Of course, having no bishop in residence we cannot, ourselves, offer ordinations/Holy Orders as this can be done only by bishops. We are blessed to have bishops available for this.

We also accept clergy from other denominations by incardination and can thus provide a home in a federally registered not for profit corporation/church for like minded clergy in this province and across Canada.

St. Joseph's Seminary will be online to train those who feel the call to ministry. We do NOT charge a fee for such training. Our launch date for the seminary is currently not set but will be announced when we are sure of it. We will offer training via a combination of downloadable files, training videos and online, face to face classes. We will be delighted to work in person whenever possible.

We are not interested in replicating any of the wonderful accredited academic options already out there. These are prohibitively expensive, usually requiring sponsorship by larger church establishments.

Our aim is more along the lines of an apprenticeship with ongoing training and mentoring even as the candidate continues to progress through the stages of ministry. This allows, indeed encourages candidates to have an active ministry even as they continue to learn.

We seek to provide a sufficient academic/basic knowledge of scriptures and the faith AND hands on, delivery of the actual sacraments pertinent to that clergy members standing at the time. In person when possible or via social media classes when that is the option available.

Clergy should be given the skills to deliver each of the sacraments before being expected to do so. In plain language, a deacon or priest should be able to perform all their duties to an acceptable level of competence, BEFORE they are ordained. They should not be set up to be embarrassed after their ordinations. Still each deacon should be encouraged to develop an active ministry even while continuing to study to become a priest.

Our faith in Christ as the only-begotten Son; his wondrous resurrection and ascension into heaven, and his Second Coming is what makes us who we are.  Taking Our Lord Jesus Christ as our example in all things, we live out our belief that offering to all a life-giving, self-sacrificing love is the Lord's greatest commandment and through its fulfilment we also fulfil the Lord's Divine Commission to make disciples of all nations.

Our love, our welcome, is our proclamation of faith.  This is why our clergy joyfully perform the Sacraments for all God's people regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, culture, age, marital status, and denomination.

Preparing the font for a baptism

St.Brigit's Catholic Mission

At St. Brigit's our catholic mission is rooted in the dual principles of promulgating (meaning to promote or make widely known) the Apostolic Teaching of the ancient Church and unconditional, relentless Christian love.  Because we preach the Gospel, we embrace those cast out, abandoned, and unwelcome - and just as our Lord said, ''a new commandment I give you - love one another as I have loved you,'' so we strive to offer ALL His children the healing power of His Love.

If you feel called to practice your Catholic faith with devotion and fervour or you come from any Christian faith or none and are still seeking something more of a 'fit' for you or if you have been rejected because of your sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status; or desire to marry or have been otherwise slighted or harmed in your previous church; YOU are joyfully welcomed into our St. Brigit's family.

Perhaps you simply find your place of worship closed or with no clergy from your denomination available. We are a Catholic and interfaith ministry. You are welcome to join us or call us to serve as your clergy until you can again enjoy the service of clergy from your denomination. We will never ask anyone to switch denominations from their church of origin.

We hold firm to what Jesus Himself told us are the first two commandments;

(Matt.22: 33-40) ''Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole might and with thy whole mind. This is the first and greatest commandment and the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.''

The Bradley's at our Children's Confirmations.

Scriptures are Not Tools for Exclusion

JesusJesusJesus also told us that He ’fulfilled the law and the prophets’’ so we refuse to take out of context excerpts from the old testament to use as exclusionary precepts to bar or reject individuals or groups from sharing fully in the holy sacraments and the Divine Commission of Christ.

We also hold firmly to (Matt. 7:1) ‘’Judge not lest ye be judged.’’  

The bulk of our beliefs are nicely summed up in the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed. Beyond that we think of ourselves as being ‘simply catholic’ yet see ourselves as appealing to Christians of many denominations. 

Called to Fulfill the Divine Commission of Christ

As a church, the St. Brigit's Community Catholic Church will offer qualified candidates training via virtual classrooms to be Chaplains, Deacons and Priests so that they can fill local needs; regardless of their gender, marital status or sexual orientation. There is an immediate relatability when local people step up to lead congregations and administer the sacraments to those they already know and love.

Again we do not offer accredited academia nor paid ministry. We offer basics and practicum training so that local people can become valid clergy while continuing to maintain their families and careers.

Thus we offer part time training such that an adult can be ready for ordination as a Deacon in six months and ready for ordination to the priesthood in another six months.

With so many churches no longer able to offer services every week, all are welcome to worship with us at St.Brigit's Community Catholic Church here in Newfoundland. Especially when your own minister or priest is not available.

We will be just as happy to see you attend your regular services when they are available.

We simply want to help as many people as possible build their relationship with Jesus Christ. After all, regardless which denomination we espouse, in the end we all belong to Jesus.

Worship and Services Beyond the Seven Sacraments

As well as offering the sacraments we are always happy to offer

The Rosary 

The Stations of the Cross


The Liturgy of the Hours

Funeral/Celebration of Life services

Blessings - for people, holy objects, pets, homes, boats, special items, etc.

We will also consecrate graves - regardless of the circumstances of death.

(Remember - Judge not - leave that to God)

We are equally happy to attend events just to offer opening or closing prayers, say grace or other Blessings and to otherwise serve the Divine Commission of Christ as and however we may.

We are delighted to be clergy officiants at weddings or funerals regardless of the church of origin or lack thereof for the couple or deceased.

We will happily offer services wherever the need presents itself or anywhere we find a willing congregation be that in churches, recreation halls, schools, malls or peoples homes.

Our goal is to bring the sacraments of Christ to the people of Christ. We invite You to tell us when and where we can do so for You.

If you would like to receive any of the sacraments. If you would like to be able to attend Mass or a non-denominational service but don’t have a church or a priest or minister available or you need clergy for a wedding or funeral. We invite you to contact us and we will do all that we can to bring you the services you seek. 

For a more detailed understanding of what sacraments are simply click here.

In order for our St. Brigit’s ministry to grow we need to meet your needs. So don’t be shy. Contact us and tell us how St. Brigit’s can serve you!